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The large number of divorces that occur in Indonesia is due to the failure of the establishment of a Sakinah family so that it is a very fundamental case in Islamic law. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reveal the values ​​of the sakinah family placed by the Prophet Adam and Eve. This study uses a descriptive literature study using content analysis methods and comparative approaches. QS. Al-Baqarah verses 35-37 become the main object with the focus of the study on four interpretations, namely al-Baghawi, Ibn Kathir, al-Alusi, and al-Maraghi. This research found that 1) family life is a nature from the time of Azali; 2) sakinah family can be realized with equality in a love relationship, fulfillment of basic household needs, obedience to sharia rules; 3) sakinah life can be damaged due to violations of Sharia rules and third party intervention; and 4) the destruction of sakinah life can be fixed with each party having an awareness of the mistakes that have been made and then repenting to Allah SWT


Adam Eve Interpretation Islamic Law Sakinah Family Temptations of Third Parties

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