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Storytelling is an activity that is often found in the process of early childhood learning. Fairy tales are used by educators
or teachers in order to entertain and instill character values. In the use of fairy tales in learning sometimes there are some
problems for both teacher and students. Teachers often find it difficult to start a story and close the story. At the time of the
implementation of the core of storytelling, the stories told have not been attracted the children’s attention to listen. Another
problem comes from the students that are difficult to be set to listen to the stories. The habit of guessing the storyline is also a
problem for teachers, so the storytelling is considered failed. Therefore, it takes a storytelling method which is helpful for teachers
to implement and to attract the children’s attention. CAS CIS CUS is a story-telling method which divides story-telling into
three phases. CAS (Cipta Aksi Super – Super Action Creation) as a mean to open the story by attractive action to draw
children’s attention. CIS (Cipta Inspirasi Super – Super Inspiration Creation) as the core of story-telling which contains
inspiration or character values. CUS (Cipta Usulan Super – Super Idea Creation) as the closing f story-telling which contain
ideas of character values followed by children.


CAS CIS CUS Story-telling Early Childhood

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