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Antioxidants in the form of total flavonoids are compounds that can stabilize free
radicals. The mechanism of antioxidants in stabilizing free radicals is give the lack
electron of free radicals and inhibit the formation of free radical formation that
can damage the body. DPPH method is used to determine the activity of capturing
free radicals of ethanol extracts of Amaranthus tricolor L. red giti and green giti.
As a positive control quercetin is used. The results showed that the total amount of
flavonoids in red giti spinach was (5.615±0.114)% EK and green giti spinach was
(4.468±0.166)% EK. The results also show that all groups have activity as free
radical scavengers. The value of ES 50 for positive control quercetin, red giti
spinach extract, and green giti spinach extract are (1.375±0.085)µg/ml,
(186.198±0.363)µg/ml, and (209.392± 0.607)µg/ml respectively. Based on ES 50
values It can be concluded that antioxidant activity of red giti spinach extract and
green giti spinach extract are significantly different from the positive control
quercetin. Antioxidant activity of quercetin is categorized strong antioxidant
activity, while the antioxidant activity of red giti spinach extract and green giti
spinach extract is categorized as weak antioxidant activity.


Amaranthus tricolor L Flavonoid Antioxidant DPPH

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