Penelantaran Anak (Bayi) dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kota Surakarta)

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Eli Julimas Rahmawati


This research is limited to abandonment of children by the biological parents by throwing and leaving the baby. This research is intended to explain criminal law policies related to abandonment of infants, and some law enforcement efforts that may obstruct obstacles in law enforcement of abandonment practices in the city area of Surakarta. This research is a descriptive research using normative-empirical approach method and data analysis technique that is qualitative analysis. The results showed that the criminal law for abandonment of infant imposed is in Act Number 23 of 2004 or Act Number 35 of 2014. Law enforcement efforts related to abandonment of infants carried out by Police Investigators, Public Prosecutors in the District Attorney, and Judges in court Affairs and there is no obstacles in the process of law enforcement.


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